Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Surviving his death.

Right now I think I am in survival mode. Like I am shutting down most functions just to make it. I did something really stupid. I got the 911 calls. See he died in a freak accident on the farm. No one was around. He called 911 on his own. By the time we got to him they already had a tube in his throat and were loading him into the helicopter. That's the last time I seen him alive. Being transported from the back of the ambulance... because they moved him from a cluster of barns to the open field where the helicopter had landed. An EMT jumped out of the ambulance to basically walk/carry me to the field. I was already losing my shit. At that point he was just hurt...we didn't know what was to come that evening. I wanted to know what happened. Needed to know what happened. From what the Dr's told us he was crushed...We found one of the bulldozers running and pushed at full throttle against the barn. But it doesn't make sense. This man knew how to run every kind of equipment under the sun. He drove big rigs...tractors...hysters...box trucks...and bulldozers. For as long as I can remember that's what he did. So I got the calls. 16 of them to be exact. Where he disconnected alot and they called back. What I heard will haunt me for the rest of my life. It plays over and over and over again going thru my mind. I don't want to remember it... so Ive been watching this.
That's my son...who is now 3 years old. We had been on the farm all day and he was playfully telling him he had stinky feet... at 7 secs in he says I love ye... I have listened to that 1000 times. I listen to it every time that call starts playing in my head. I would give anything to have him back to hear I love you again in person. This video is all I have now to hear that.


Blogger Amy said...

I tried commenting the day you wrote this but I think something was wrong with the computer. I don't know you, but can tell by reading that you had so much love for your grandpa. I can't even imagine what you are going through and the thought that it was a freak accident has to be that much harder. Your grandpa was an amazing man and this video proves it, what a wonderful way to remember him. Your son's laugh is so infectious! I am sure you will cherish this video for years to come.

April 26, 2012 at 10:12 AM  
Blogger Cas said...

Thank you I love him very very much. For a long time he was the center of my universe. But as time goes and I aged the center of my universe shifted a bit..especially having babies. But we always stayed close. I am so thankful we had a loving close relationship and he gave me literally 100s maybe even 1000s of amazing memories... There is just a hole in my heart right now. I dont ever expect it to close off...how could it when so vital a part of it is missing I do however hope that it one day doesnt hurt everytime I inhale...

April 27, 2012 at 5:18 AM  

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